- This is based on a story happened in my life.
- And I thank Aswany Roy my friend for editing my article brilliantly.
Characters in the story:
- Myself- Jithu-Narrator of the story.
- Bijesh Kunjiraman.-My friend and the Hero.
- Suja Poduval- Bjesh’s lover and our Heroine.
- Calicut ULC Cyber park :
Surprisingly by God’s grace, I got a job in my home town Calicut itself after my engineering. I sat in my office seat in front of my computer beaming with pride. I turned to the guy sitting next to me and acquainted with him quickly. A typical silent Mallu with a Red Tilaka on his forehead. His name was Bijesh .
I noticed a beautiful girl sitting next to him. I stretched a bit and said hi. She smiled back.
- At Coffee room with Bijesh :
“Hey Jithu…. I want to tell you something.”
“Yeah of course.”
“I’m in love with Suja ” .
“You mean the girl sitting next to you?”
“Yeah… Yes…
“But dude..Its been 3 days since I was here and I haven’t even once seen you looking or talking to her.
“ Jithu, I have been loving her discreetly for the last 2 years and I am so shy that I can’t even look at her.”
“Ha ha”. I laughed.
“Buddy come on…. Are you serious? Even after being in love for the past 2 years, you still haven’t proposed?
“Yes.. I really am deeply in love with her. SHE IS MY HEART AND I AM READY TO GIVE MY LIFE TO HER. But I’m totally scared and if she rejects me then i won’t stay here any more. That’s for sure.
I found love in his eyes.
“Don’t worry man..Here i am, Jithu, swearing upon Cheguavare that within 1 month i would mould you to propose her.
- Completed 6 month in my new company:

Time rolled on fast and so did our friendship. I became very close to Bijesh .But I failed to keep my promise . I came to realize how much he loved Suja. I had never before seen anybody in my life as sincere as Bijesh. But I still didn’t understand why he couldn’t tell her that till now, even after my own several failed attempts to motivate him. I even talked to Suja many times and discovered the fact that she too was interested in some way. At least my moulding lessons culminated in the ‘D Day’ tomorrow on which he agreed to propose her.
Location : 2012 June West Hill,Calciut ,Kerala India
I looked at him intently.
Brown Nike sports shoes and well pressed linen shirt!! “Oh my God Bijesh… you look awesome in this outfit. But your face looks pale. Come on… Be confident” I said and patted his shoulder.
“ See Jithu, let me tell you something ” SHE IS MY HEART AND I AM READY TO GIVE MY LIFE TO HER.”
“Dude could you please stop this? You have said this to me like the umpteenth time!”
“Jithu, you know me then why you are talking like this?”
“Haha!! I laughed and hugged him and said,“Buddy, if she is lucky enough she would get you.So go on tell her before noon. You’ve get lot of time in project meeting session to say whatever you want. He nodded his head and went off.
But to my disappointment he failed again. I called him and said “What the hell now? You got many chances and still you are shy? .See, if you fail to tell her during the afternoon session also, then it’s done .Count me out for help on account of your holy one side drama.” Saying so I walked out .
- Time 2.13 pm :
Stretching a bit from his seat, he whispered in my ear “Okay.. I am going to tell any way”.
I didn’t’ say anything, but just gave him the “best of luck” look. I looked at her and it seemed to me by the look in her eyes that she was also expecting it. Bijesh dragged his chair next to hers. There was pin drop silence in the room. I smiled and turned my head to my computer screen.
Suddenly my head started spinning and I felt like vomiting. Oh god, what was happening?I felt really uncomfortable.
“Hey Jithu you feel that?” Snoopa Nair sitting next to my cabin said.
I asked “What???
Nikhil got up from his seat and said “Guys, our building is shaking I think.”
Suddenly Bijesh raised his voice and cried “Buddies run it’s an EARTH QUAKE.”
All of a sudden everyone got up and started running. I wondered a bit at first before I could register the situation and then I was like“Oh god it’s a TREMOR!!!!”. Along with Suja and Bijesh I headed for the exit stair case to getout .Literally we all dashed to the exit. First Suja , opened the exit door and ran. Bijesh followed her and I was just behind Bijesh. Total chaos everywhere.
I found Suja struggling to run fast despite her high heels and Bijesh slowly pushing her and roaring “Suja please.. Run Run Run… Run fast “.
Suddenly it happened. She fell down the stairs like a jack fruit, losing her grip in front of Bijesh dramatically and pathetically. I was shocked, despite the chaos, confusion and noises all round.
“You idiot move from my way” he roared. Saying that he kicked her out with his leg and jumped above her and ran off hastily without even looking back at her.
Watching all this standing still, my eyes widened with shock and my jaws dropped. When I looked she was somehow trying to get up. I offered her my hand.
She said “Go to hell with Bijesh,you $$$k$r”
I sat there laughing aloud .I forgot the the earthquake and everything .
Seriously I laughed non-stop for around 1 week. It wasn’t just the way she fell down which made me laugh, but it was the face of our hero Bijesh and his words “SHE IS MY HEART AND I AM READY TO GIVE MY LIFE TO HER”
A tragic end of a love story. Haha ha.Even now after 2 years I still laugh when ever I think about it .I don’t know how much it is connected to you. But I sure laughed the hell outta myself.
What to study from this:
- Its not love ,its life that people consider first.
What happened later :
- Suja married recently.(She hates me most .) – hahahaa
- Bijesh is now working in Kuwait -We rarely chat
- Click on the image to read the news about Earth Quake in detail.